Thursday, September 11, 2014

Science and Religion

This is a revised version of a paper written for my religion class:        
9-4 Religion Assignment: Science and Religion Tyler
     In short, I agree that spirituality and science can get along. While I am not a very religious person myself, I have heard of many scientists who dedicate themselves to spiritual as well as scientific knowledge. In my opinion, religion and spirituality can sometimes be very different. Spirituality is what helps us relate better to people and ourselves. It gives us peace of mind and body, calms us. Religion encompasses spirituality, but also involves other information that has sparked conflict over the centuries. What I mean is, I believe spirituality and science can co-exist, but I’m not sure about religion itself. As of now, most religions are teaching things that science wouldn’t agree with (such as the creation of the universe), and vice versa. However, like Walsh said, nothing spirituality is teaching goes up against what science says. In fact, the two agree about the benefits of meditation. Also, Walsh mentioned that both science and spirituality test their claims through experimentation.
     While I try and stay out of the whole Science vs. Religion debate, it can be clearly seen that neither is willing to budge on their methods of finding knowledge. Religion calls for leaps of faith, while science experiments and takes little steps toward answers. Both methods have stood up to the test of time, lasting through the thousands of years. Overall, though, I believe over time religion will evolve so that it is less in conflict with science. The belief of a spiritual world, of a supernatural realm, will be around for a while, but as for all of the stories in the bible and other religious texts, I’m not sure they will be taken so literally in the future. Even now, more and more people are becoming nonreligious or converting to the eastern religions that have less do with stories but more about finding inner peace.
     Overall, I do not think religion itself and science can get along. However, I do believe that the “spirituality” Walsh writes about in his book can be followed by religious people and scientists alike.  

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